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Over 2000+ registered job seekers

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Trained by best in Top industry leaders

Hire Cruise line talent from us

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We can get you Candidates for

Galley Department

Executive Chef, Cook tournant, Pastry Chef, Kitchen Utility, Head Butcher, Kitchen Steward, Pantryman, Asst. Butcher

Housekeeping Department

Housekeeping Supervisor, Cabin Attendant, Asst. cabin attendant & steward, HK Cleaner

Deck/Marine Department

Master, Chief Mate / Officer, 2nd & 3rd Mate/ Officer, Bosun Able Seaman / Helsman, Ordinar

Shop Staff

Retail Sales, Jewelry & Watch & Art Specialist, Beauty & Massage Therapist, Fitness Instructor, Hair Stylist

Stores Department

Provision Master, Storekeeper, Storeroom Utility, Asst Storekeeper

Engine Department

Chief Engineer, 1st 2nd & 3rd Engineer, Electro Technical Officer, Engine Trainee

Dining Room

Pay Restaurant Steward, Buffet Supervisor, Snack Steward, Restaurant Steward, Rest Utility

Bar Department

Bar Manager, Assistant Bar Manager, Asst. Bartender, Barboy, Cocktail Waitress

Our client sends us their confirmed requisitions with relevant job descriptions, salary structure and employment terms.

After receiving the requisition, we officially advertise in various job portals proceeding with shortlisting of candidates and conduct Orientation sessions to brief them about the company, joining process, salary scale & job profile and prep them for final interviews.

Clients visit India to conduct face-to-face Final interviews, while some clients trust us to make the final selections for entry & middle level candidates on their behalf. We ensure that these events are managed efficiently.


Inform the candidates on successful selection. Ask them to proceed with pre-embarkation docs (Police Checks, BST Certification, medicals, Seaman’s book and required visa as per port of joining). Our visa team is well versed with obtaining various types of visas (i.e US C1d, Schengen visa, OKTB & Gulf visa), that enables us to make sure visas are obtained at 1st attempt.

Once the crew successfully completes the requirements for visa, we ensure that the candidates travel arrangements to the country of deployment is facilitated smoothly & in time.

How we can help you in Recruitment?

We have an experienced pool of highly skilled professionals having strong global experience. Some of the common roles include Executive Chefs, F&B Managers, Retail Store Managers, Sales Associates, Technicians, and Product Managers. We can share Candidate Profiles, Demo, Video Reel, and Press Kits. 

We help businesses grow by helping them hire the right
talent for their staff or consultancy needs

Comprehensive and flexible services with the best fit-in
solution to meet the human resource requirements of the clients

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 We match and connect potential candidates

Services for startups to established businesses

We are completely aligned towards the client’s requirement 

We provide facilities like worldwide staffing and certified

We focus on relationship building by providing the best professionals

We understand the domain as our team have broad experience in several sourcing domains

Targeted advertising to the websites who are looking for
recruitment within their industry

Got a query?

You can drop us an inquiry at info@ttcistraining.com